Tied to Trouble (Gamers) Read online

Page 5

  Chapter Five

  Chad cared about his sister’s proposal. After he got over the initial shock, honest to God, he did care. But it was hard to focus on Austin’s words with Owen’s thigh pressed against his. Owen had moved his hand, so it was casually placed on Chad’s knee under the table, but Chad still felt the phantom nudge on his balls, that squeeze of his shaft.

  He wanted to get the fuck out of here and get home and get naked. If it didn’t happen soon, he was going to go out of his mind. He’d shoveled his lemon meringue pie into his mouth without really tasting it. He’d licked his spoon a lot and made an obscene show with the meringue on top. Austin stared at him like he was crazy, and Owen shot him looks that told him he was going to pay for that tease later.

  Which was great. Chad wanted to pay for it. With that monster cock down his throat.

  What Austin had planned was relatively simple, and the guy was organized. They exchanged emails, and Chad cringed because he hadn’t checked his email in like a week. His email address—chadtothebone—was in stark contrast to Owen’s professional one from Gamers. Owen had given him a you-can’t-be-serious look when he recited it, but Chad refused to apologize. He was proud of that damn email address, and it made him laugh.

  Once he and Owen had their assignments, it was finally time to get the fuck out of there. Chad shook Austin’s hand and clapped him on the back. He was truly happy for the guy and for Marley. They were great together, and Austin treated her well.

  Chad would have to call Austin to save face for his bizarre behavior, but that could wait. Later. Yeah. Right now, he had to get home, because Owen was coming over.

  He was home ten minutes before he saw Owen’s Toyota pull into the lot of his apartment complex. He rolled his eyes. “Turtle,” he muttered. As he waited for Owen to reach his door, he stood in the entrance of his apartment, trying out various positions—leaning with his shoulder against the wall, then another with his hand braced on a table in the entrance. He was thinking about standing with his feet apart, arms over his chest, all alpha, when the door burst open.

  And then Chad wasn’t thinking about anything at all as Owen’s mouth crashed down on his and Chad’s back hit the wall with a thud.

  He took a moment to gain his bearings, and then he kissed back, nipping and biting, putting his big mouth to use.

  Owen pulled back and skated his lips and teeth down Chad’s neck. Chad gripped Owen’s hips as Owen’s hands snaked under his T-shirt to touch the skin of his stomach. Owen ground into him as he sucked on his neck and squeezed his ass.

  “Why do I want you?” Owen growled, his teeth biting into the skin. “I don’t even like you.”

  Chad bucked his hips. “Well, I like your dick, and you like my ass. You don’t have to fuck my personality.”

  Owen paused and raised his head. His glasses were crooked, and his hair was mussed. And then his mouth stretched into a grin, and a little chuckle escaped from his lips. “That might be the smartest thing I’ve heard you say yet, Chad.”

  “Write it down. That doesn’t happen often, O.” He reached down and began to undo Owen’s belt, while turning them so Owen was walking back, back, into his living room. By the time they reached the couch, Owen’s pants were open and Chad’s hand was inside, gripping his thick cock and stroking it.

  He pulled his hand out. “Sit,” Chad directed. “Because I’ve been thinking about doing this since we met.”

  Owen sank into the couch, his gaze never leaving Chad’s face. “Doing what?”

  Chad knelt between his legs and licked a path up the underside of Owen’s cock. “This.” And then he swallowed him to the root.

  Owen gasped and squirmed under him, his voice choking out a garbled, “holy fuck,” as Chad hollowed his cheeks and pulled back. He sat on his heels and grinned up at Owen, who stared down at him like he was the second coming of Christ.

  “Why’d you stop?” Owen’s voice was close to a whine.

  Chad shrugged. “You like things slow, right?”

  Owen narrowed his eyes. “Are you seriously bringing that up again? Right now?”

  Chad licked his lips, wanting to confess that this was hard on him, too, since that first taste of Owen wasn’t nearly enough. “I mean, we can go your pace—”

  “Chad, swear to God, if you don’t get your mouth back on my dick, I’m going to slash the tires on that motorcycle of yours.”

  “Hey, now.” Chad frowned. “That’s taking it a little far.”


  He grinned and then, with a hand on each of Owen’s thighs, took that beautiful big dick back in his mouth. And fuck, was it worth it.

  It was thick and long, but Chad knew what he was doing, how to move his tongue, how hard to suck. He reached down and rolled Owen’s balls in his hand as the man came apart above him, swearing and mumbling and making needy moans. This was exactly what he’d wanted to happen when he first laid eyes on Owen and that smart bow tie and perfect hair.

  He wanted to see him come apart.

  He wanted to see him lose it.

  And he wanted to be the reason for it.

  Chad was hard, and he had to reach down to press the heel of his palm to his cock to tell it to wait its damn turn. He wanted to drive Owen out of his mind, make him leave here thinking Chad was the best he’d ever had.

  Owen’s hand fumbled along the couch until it gripped Chad’s hair. He took a minute to pull back, until only the tip of Owen’s cock was in his mouth. He looked up at Owen from under his lashes and grinned as best as he could.

  “I hate how good you are at this,” Owen said through gritted teeth with a tug on Chad’s hair.

  Chad let Owen’s cock slip from his mouth. “Yeah? Well, I hate how much I’m enjoying it.”

  Owen’s gaze dropped to Chad’s lap then back up to his face. He smiled then, big and wicked and maybe a little unhinged.

  And then he lunged.


  Chad made an oomph sound as Owen landed on top of him. Owen wasted no time straddling Chad’s thighs and working to undo Chad’s pants.

  Owen had never been a turtle in the bedroom, but this intensity was a little over-the-top. Chad brought it out in him with that wicked smirk and sinful ass, which was just begging for Owen to touch.

  Owen shoved his hands down Chad’s pants, grasping his cock, and Chad arched off the floor, moaning. “Take off your shirt,” Owen panted. He wanted to see it all—he wanted more skin.

  Chad’s gaze was a little hazy when he focused on Owen, but in a quick tug, his shirt was thrown behind him and then it was all Chad, his rounded shoulders and tapered waist and flat stomach. And his nipples, oh fuck, they were pierced—those silver rings just begging to be licked, bitten, tugged.

  Which Owen did, still stroking Chad, he leaned down and took a stiff peak in his mouth, biting down on the sensitive skin, flicking the ring with swirls of his tongue. Chad cried out from below him. Owen scraped his teeth across Chad’s chest as he paid attention to the other nipple.

  Chad was tugging at Owen’s shirt now, which wasn’t going well since it was a button-down. With reluctance, Owen pulled back, sitting up on top of Chad, so he could get at the buttons on the shirt. Chad stroked his thighs, pressing his thumbs into his groin, as Owen fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Halfway down, he gave up with a growl and tugged it over his head.

  “Yeah,” Chad whispered, almost to himself, as his hands reverently stroked Owen’s waist and stomach. Owen fell forward, catching himself with his hands on either side of Chad’s head. They locked eyes, and for a few seconds, neither moved. Something passed in those hazel eyes, but it was gone as quick as it came, and then the corners crinkled, so Owen knew Chad was smirking. Chad smacked his ass and said, “So now that you got me down here, what’re you gonna do?”

  Owen lowered his head and sucked Chad’s bottom lip into his mouth, biting lightly. When he pulled off, he asked, “You in a rush?”

  Chad squirmed, his cock brushing O
wen’s. “Goddamn you.”

  Owen reached down into Chad’s pants and squeezed his balls as he licked at Chad’s stubbled chin and jaw. “Maybe you’re the one who has to slow down, rather than me being the one to speed up, huh?”

  Chad shoved his hands into the back of Owen’s jeans and grabbed his ass, tugging him closer. “You frustrate the hell out of me, you know that?”

  Owen did know that, and the feeling was mutual. But this teasing had gone on long enough, because he was aching and his balls were tight and Chad’s mouth was right there, right there, promising more wicked things.

  Owen stood up, his feet on either side of Chad’s knees. He hesitated a moment, because while he wasn’t self-conscious about his body, it’d still been a long time since he was completely naked in front of another person. With a deep breath, he tossed his glasses on the couch behind him and then dropped his pants, toeing off his shoes and socks, so he stood over Chad naked. He placed his hands on his hips and cocked his head. “You going to join the naked party?”

  Chad barked out a laugh and in a minute had wriggled out of the rest of his clothes. He lay under Owen, so perfect and male and so incredibly fuckable. “You finally gonna do something now?”

  Owen growled and descended on Chad like a starving man. He dropped to all fours and turned around, so his head was facing Chad’s feet and Owen’s knees were straddling Chad’s face. “Holy shit,” Chad muttered, and Owen smiled. With that gorgeous curved dick and tight balls right in front of him, Owen took Chad into his mouth.

  Chad wasn’t fooling around, either. Owen felt two hands on his ass, and then a warm tongue lapped at his balls. He wanted to move his hips, grind down, but he stayed focused on the dick in his mouth. He rolled Chad’s balls in his hand and moaned when Chad shifted below him, his legs moving restlessly, as Owen did everything he could to blow Chad’s mind.

  Chad must have had the same idea, because Owen’s dick was in his mouth now. He was bobbing and sucking, and how was Owen so close already? Because he was. He pulled off Chad’s dick and stroked it as he prepared for what was coming. His balls drew up and all it took was a moan from Chad, which vibrated Owen’s shaft, and then he was coming, slapping the carpet by Chad’s knee as he arched his back and cried out while pulsing into Chad’s mouth.

  His arms were shaking, and his legs were wobbly, but he immediately lowered his head to finish Chad off. It was seconds later when Chad gripped Owen’s thighs and came. Owen continued to suck through Chad’s orgasm, swallowing everything Chad gave him. How could he have possibly forgotten how much he loved to give head?

  When Chad made a whimpering sound and his cock softened, Owen dropped to a hip beside Chad and then rolled onto his back, knees bent, feet planted on the carpet, as he caught his breath.

  Chad was doing the same beside him, as they lay on their backs in opposite directions, facing the ceiling.

  Owen closed his eyes as the orgasm high began to fade. That had been amazing, so damn good, but now came the awkward part. When they had to…talk. When they had nothing in common and didn’t even like each other.

  Owen should get up and get dressed and get the hell out, but he needed time to get his head in place before he faced Chad’s snark.

  And a distant part of him hoped this didn’t get too awkward. Because he couldn’t deny he wanted to do this again. Why couldn’t they? They were grown men. They could hook up without needing to actually like each other. Because they clearly got along well in the sex department.

  Owen opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. He turned his head to see Chad lying on his side, completely casual, with his cock lying soft on his thigh and his head propped up on his fist, staring at him. “What?”

  A flash of vulnerability crept over Chad’s face, and then he went back to impassive. “I’m just looking at you.”

  Owen was suddenly self-conscious. How did he look? Chad was all smooth skin and lean muscles and nipple rings. He oozed sex. Owen was pale and not quite as defined and…well, he was Owen. “What do you see?”

  Chad smiled. “I see you. No glasses. Hair messed up. Hickeys on your neck. And your dick is still fucking huge.”

  Owen’s cheeks heated, and he looked down. Yeah, it was kinda big. Surprised the hell out of him when he was a teenager and saw how he compared to all the other guys in the locker room. “I hope you like the view.”

  “I do,” Chad said softly. Then he cleared his throat. “So you knew who I was?”

  Owen nodded.

  “You could have told me, dickwad,” Chad muttered, picking at a loose thread in the carpet.

  “I didn’t think it mattered,” Owen said. “When I met you at the party, I didn’t think I’d see you ever again, so I didn’t bother. And then at the bookstore, I didn’t get a chance.”

  Chad grinned at that, all pride.

  Owen rolled his eyes. “I never thought it needed to come up.”

  “I’m guessing Marley told you about her deadbeat brother then?”

  Owen sat up and leaned against the couch. “What’re you talking about?”

  “She’s always on my case to get a job…or a better job…or—”

  “Your sister loves you,” Owen said. “Sure, she tells stories about you, and I gathered you were a little bit of a…” He reached for a word. “…free spirit. But every story she tells is out of love. She certainly never called you a deadbeat.”

  Chad looked at him with wide eyes, and Owen shifted, thinking this conversation was a little deep for two guys who didn’t like each other. Although it wasn’t too deep for two guys who’d just participated in a sixty-nine.

  Chad blinked then looked away. “Um. Okay then.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you who I was. And that I knew who you were.”

  Chad shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter.”

  “It kinda does when your sister is my boss.”

  That grin was back, and now Chad laughed. “Oh, shit. Look at you, Mr. Bow Tie, fucking your boss’s brother. This would make a great porno.”

  Owen narrowed his eyes. “I don’t find it quite that funny.”

  “It’s kinda funny.”

  “To you, maybe.”

  “Banging the boss’s brother.”

  “Chad, for God’s sake—”

  Chad sat up, bracing himself with his hands behind him, eyes bright. “Sucking a fatty with Chaddy.”

  “Tell me you did not just say that.”

  Chad was full-out laughing now, shoulders shaking. “Moanin’ with Owen.”


  Chad fell back on the floor, rolling on his side, clutching his stomach as he convulsed with laughter. Owen rolled his eyes, watching the grown man in front of him acting like an idiot.

  A cute idiot. With a great dick and perfect ass.

  Owen pounced on top of Chad, who rolled onto his back, mouth stretched in a huge smile, eyes shining with tears of laughter. His chuckles were fading now as he stared up into Owen’s face. “It’s okay to laugh sometimes, ya know, Mr. Uptight Turtle Bow Tie.”

  “My nickname seems to get longer every day.”

  Chad ran a finger down the length of Owen’s nose. “Forgot one. Mr. Uptight Big Dick Turtle Bow Tie.”

  “You’re incredibly annoying.”

  That smirk. It was starting to make Owen hard. “So I’ve been told. Numerous times. By numerous people.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to tell Chad not to change, that his smart mouth made him Chad, made him the most frustratingly annoying, hot, and sexy man Owen had ever met. But that was too much. That wasn’t what they were. One thing Marley had said about Chad was that he didn’t commit. To jobs, to lovers, to anything, really. Which was why Owen knew this wouldn’t last. They’d fuck each other out of their systems until something new and shiny caught Chad’s eye. And Owen was fine with that.

  Owen lay down beside Chad and propped his head on his fist. He ran his fingers down Chad’s side, over his ribs, and Chad shuddered. “So w
hat’s your job of the month, then?”

  Chad laughed. “I’m a bartender at Blue Moon now. Have been for a couple of months.”

  Owen had been there maybe once. “And do you like it?”

  “It’s okay. I like making drinks. My coworker is straight but hot.” Chad winked at Owen, who snorted. Chad rose slowly to his feet and tugged on his boxer briefs. “You want something to drink? Eat? I think I have some chips and salsa. I have to check the expiration date, though.”

  “You’re such a great host.”

  Chad laughed as he made his way into the kitchen. “Yeah, but do most hosts blow you? I don’t think so.”

  Owen didn’t argue with that. He pulled on his boxers and jeans and after retrieving his glasses from the couch, began a perusal of Chad’s apartment. There was a large bookshelf in the corner filled with graphic novels and comic books. The bottom shelf was full of thick-spined manuals about graphic design. Owen knelt down and cocked his head at a familiar title. Quark for Dummies. He pulled it out and looked at the cover. It was the same book that had been on the wrong shelf at the bookstore when he’d met Chad. Owen tilted his head, listening to Chad putter around his kitchen, singing to himself. Was that book misplaced because of Chad? And if so, why would he not have told Owen? He didn’t want to think too much about Chad’s ambitions, but his bookcase didn’t lie. He slid the book back in its place and rose to his feet.

  The apartment was cluttered and a little messy. There was a stack of magazines along the wall and random receipts on an end table by the couch. In the corner was a desk with a laptop, along with odds and ends. A dirty bowl and spoon sat near the keyboard along with a couple of video game action figures.

  The laptop was open, and the screen saver was a picture Owen had never seen before. A centaur. The man’s torso was defined by thick muscles, the horse’s legs bulging with veins. The man had blue eyes and long blond hair with some sort of jeweled headband. It was gorgeous.

  Who was Chad? Who was this guy who smirked and liked graphic design and changed jobs like he changed his pants?

  And why did Owen care?