Fast Connection (Cyberlove #2) Read online

Page 3

  “Take your clothes off.”

  The sun was rapidly setting, but enough rays shone through the curtains to illuminate my body as I stripped. I’d put on this kind of casual show enough on the base to figure out who was open to a little guy-on-guy playtime, so I knew how to get a rise out of a dude. Luke wasn’t exempt.

  By the time I was bare-assed, he’d ripped off his own clothes and was stroking his wood. My mouth filled with saliva. “That’s some cock you have there.”

  The corner of Luke’s mouth jerked to the side.

  “Does it taste as good as it looks?”

  I couldn’t tell if he truly had no sense of humor or if he was determined for this to be as silent and to the point as possible. But I didn’t roll that way. Ass sex wasn’t my forte just yet, but I’d practiced my cock-sucking skills for months while deployed. I was basically an expert. And I loved giving head. Whether my mouth was at work on a guy or a girl, I was into it. Hearing someone getting high-pitched and whiny while I ran my tongue all over them was a major turn-on.

  Luke took a step closer. “Are you going to get on your knees or do you need me to push you down?”

  “I don’t mind being pushed.”

  He swept his tongue over his lower lip, surveyed me again, and then clamped a hand on my upper arm. Excitement scorched through me as he dragged me toward him. That was all it took. One prompt and I was on my knees with my mouth stretched open around the thick length of him. He went easy at first, more considerate than I’d expected, but as soon as he realized I could deep throat, all bets were off. His hands braced the back of my head and he drilled my throat, drawing out muffled cries as I tried to keep up.

  “Fuck,” he whispered. “Take all that dick.”

  I moaned around him and looked up through the damp mess of my hair. One heated stare from Luke was all it took for moisture to pearl at the head of my cock. I pumped it with my free hand and used the other to hold onto the iron clench of his ass.

  Luke pulled away just as I found a rhythm, and I almost snarled at him for denying me the taste of his precum. My breath came out in harsh pants, and my hamstrings were burning, but I let him paw at my face instead of rising. I liked the way he rubbed his callused thumb against my swollen lower lip, and I loved the sight of his cock glistening from my spit.

  “Get on the bed,” he said hoarsely. “And show me your ass.”

  The smartass had been dicked out of me, so I followed the command with only my harsh breaths as an answer. It was weird to be on my hands and knees on the bed, so I hunched forward and pressed my forehead against my folded forearms with my ass sticking out. I knew I had what he wanted—firm, round cakes and strong thighs worked to perfection by a ton of squats—and he showed his appreciation by biting one of my ass cheeks.

  After that, everything was on fast forward. He rubbered up and jerked himself a couple of times to slather his dick with lube. My heart pounded when he dribbled it along my crack to pool along my hole. Nerves lit aflame once again. I’d never done this and I wanted to be amazing at it. I wanted to make this hardass silver fox moan my name.

  But the first thrust into my ass hurt. The burn of the stretch scorched up my tailbone, and I bit my forearm to keep from grunting in pain. My eyes watered. I doubted my life choices. I doubted the life choices of anyone who’d ever done this and liked it, and tried not to order him out of my ass.

  My breath ripped out of me in loud Darth Vader-like pants as I adjusted to his girth. Just when it didn’t seem like it would ever happen, it did. The pain subsided and the feel of him sliding in and out of me was quickly switching over to holy-shit-yes. All of a sudden I couldn’t get enough.

  “Oh shit.” I spread my thighs wider, dipped my chest lower, and pushed back on that big dick. “Oh my God.”

  “Mmm. Yeah.” Luke hunched over me, one hand braced against my shoulder and the other at the small of my back. “That’s a tight fucking hole.”

  I made some unintelligible sound. I didn’t care about making sense. All I cared about was the explosion of pleasure spreading through my body to settle in my balls every time he slammed into me. The pressure against my ass was amazing, but then he started hitting something really awesome when I rode back on him.

  “Fuck yes,” I breathed. “Harder.”

  Luke gave it to me harder, doing his best to fuck me through the mattress and screwing anguished moans out of me as I turned into a trembling, sweating mess. I could feel myself reaching my peak as he kept up the unrelenting pace. My throbbing dick rubbing against the sheets and the heat pooling in my gut spelled an incoming orgasm.

  He pulled out. I groaned in protest and glared at him after he manhandled me onto my back. I spread my thighs wide for him, leaning back, and was rewarded by a deep thrust and the overwhelming feeling of fullness. We fucked hard. Him driving into me faster and faster as sweat rained down on my body, and me working my inner muscles to drag louder cries out of his stoic mouth.

  It only took one touch to my dick to set it off like a firecracker, jizz shooting everywhere, and the clenching of my ass drew a louder shout out of him.

  For just a minute, when he frantically ripped out to shed the condom and jacked himself off all over me, I thought he really would say my name.

  Which is when I remembered that he didn’t know it.

  * * *


  Sweat rolled down my temple as I collapsed onto the bed next to the kid. My bedroom was filled with the sounds of our breath, and it reeked of sex. Normally this would be when my skin would start to crawl, and I’d count down the minutes until the nameless guy was gone. But right now my brain was fried, and I had no energy to do anything but breathe.

  I turned my head to see those blue eyes watching me. I wondered again how old he was. He seemed young, but he said he’d served eight years, so he had to be at least mid-twenties. Everything about his face was molded to perfection, from his cheekbones to his smooth skin to his straight nose. He blinked, then those swollen red lips split into a grin. “That was fucking amazing.”

  “Yeah,” I said, rolling onto my back and staring at the ceiling. “It was.” I should kick him out, tell him to go. I would in a minute. Just a minute…

  The bed shifted as he lay on his side. “I’m Dominic, by the way. Is your name Luke or is that a Grindr code name?”

  “My name’s Luke.”

  “Cool.” He didn’t talk for a minute. “Hey, you got anything to snack on? I haven’t eaten all day.”

  I turned my head slowly to the side, starting to wonder if I was being set up by Nadia or something. But no, there was Dominic, looking at me expectantly. “Snack on?”

  He patted his stomach. “Yeah. I’m starving. Come, eat, sleep. It’s the cycle of human nature.”

  “I don’t think…” Jesus, I was not going to sit here and argue with this fucking kid, no matter how tight his ass was. “Pretty sure you can find the corner store and pick up a lemonade and peanuts for protein.”

  He seemed oblivious at my hints for him to leave. “Can I at least grab some water?”


  He hopped up and stretched his arms over his head, twisting his waist, and my eyes wandered over the defined muscles of his abdomen and ass. His nakedness sufficiently distracted me from the fact that he wasn’t leaving.

  “You want anything?”

  I wanted to bark no, but I was thirsty. And there was probably no better-looking errand boy than Dominic. “Water’s fine.”

  He flashed me a grin, and I felt a stirring in my groin as I watched his round ass exit my bedroom.

  Once he was out of sight, I covered my face with my hands and stifled a groan. I needed to get him out of here. This wasn’t going to according to plan, but then I’d known it wouldn’t as soon as we’d started the small talk. There was absolutely no reason for us to get to know each other.

  The thought caused me to sit up in bed as a bolt of panic hit me. A strange guy was walking around my house. What ha
d I been thinking? His clothes were still on the floor, but he could be snooping around or looking in the kids’ rooms.

  I jumped out of the bed and pulled some jeans on, not bothering to button them as I took off down the hall. I glanced at each door, but they were closed, just as I’d left them.

  A sound coming from the kitchen prompted me to walk faster. When I reached the doorway I stopped at the sight of Dominic standing at the counter. Two glasses of water were in front of him and he was slapping together the second of two peanut butter sandwiches. He was also humming.

  He looked up as he stuck a peanut-butter-covered thumb in his mouth. He pulled his finger out with a pop. “Hey, man.” His gaze dipped to my jeans before returning to my face. I swore I spotted disappointment. “I hope it’s okay that I made a sandwich.”

  Another set of bright blue eyes blinking at me through a windshield. My kids in the backseat, crying in incorrectly buckled car seats.

  I gritted my teeth and told myself not to get angry, that Dominic was just hungry. He wasn’t trying to invade my life. But this was too much. This was the kitchen where I’d just talked to my kids, where we’d eaten breakfast that morning, and now this guy was just making himself at home.

  Whether it was because of my size or the scowl on my face, most guys I fucked usually made a quick beeline for the door once we were done. There were no peanut butter sandwich detours. Dominic seemed like a nice guy, but this hookup was one hundred percent done.

  Holding out the clothes I had clenched in my fist, I said, “Sure, but it’s to go.”

  He didn’t move for a second, but then every line in his body tightened and the soldier in him shone through for the first time since he’d stepped through the door. His spine straightened, his face hardened, and his eyes went blank.

  I missed the other Dominic already.

  He grabbed his clothes and quickly pulled them on between bites of his sandwich.

  Dominic was fully dressed by the time we approached the door. I reached around him to open it, but he blocked me with his body. He was trying to play it cool, but I saw a flash of uncertainty in his expression. “Do you want my number? I wouldn’t mind another round some time.”

  “Nah.” When his face fell, my heart pulsed, and I did what I never did—tried to make someone else feel better. “I’ll catch you on Grindr again, I’m sure.”

  Another vacant grin crossed his face, and I wondered if that was his go-to response, but at least he appeared placated. My relief also made me wonder why I cared.

  He took a single pace backward. “It was good though, right?”

  For some reason, that insecure question got under my skin.

  I grabbed his chin, and his body turned to me, practically melting beneath my gaze. I kissed him hard, and he moaned against my lips. He needed to get out of here before I fucked him against my front door. I pulled back.

  “Yeah, it was really good.”

  “Awesome.” He inclined his head. “See ya around, Luke.” Then he was jogging down the porch stairs.

  I shut the door quickly and locked it, then ran my hands up my face and into my hair. My stomach growled, so I padded to the kitchen where the lone sandwich sat on a plate. The guy had made me a sandwich, and I’d still kicked him out. I was a bastard. That didn’t stop me from eating it in three bites.

  I sat down at the kitchen table and clasped my hands in front of me. My usual routine was to take a shower and then watch TV until I passed out on the couch, but my brain was working over time in a way it normally didn’t after I got off.

  Maybe it was Dominic’s naive attitude or maybe it was his military background that was dredging up ugly memories and unsettling me. Guys Dominic’s age didn’t know what it was like for my generation growing up. DADT was repealed now, and while I was sure it was still no fucking picnic to be gay in the military, it didn’t result in a discharge.

  Like mine.

  Hey, at least I hadn’t been dishonorably discharged like the gay and lesbian service members who’d been found guilty of homosexual conduct in decades prior. But leaving the service had not been my choice.

  I’d been forced, because I’d been an idiot and had gotten caught with my pants down. Literally. Back when I hadn’t been so careful, when I’d allowed blurring and merging among all the boxes in my life. The disastrous end to my relationship with Jake was the primary reason I avoided getting in too deep now.

  The entire thing had turned me into a bitter old gay who resented the young men I liked in my bed. Which was fucked up. Anonymous hookups were my way of keeping it simple. Sure, it was lonely sometimes, but I hadn’t met anyone who was worth changing my life for, and I didn’t plan to make an effort to do so. I chose lonely because I’d been there, done that with the alternative.

  The self-resolve lasted for a couple of moments before I found myself opening Grindr. I ignored a message that came through and opened the conversation with Dominic. I laughed at his message about not being able to take a picture of his ass and face at the same time and studied his picture until it began to feel creepy.

  I closed out the app and tossed my phone on the table so hard it clattered off the edge and onto the floor. I didn’t bother checking to see if the screen cracked. I kind of hoped it did, because something told me that was the only way to keep myself from looking at Dominic’s picture again and again.

  Chapter Three


  Garrett definitely was not going to be my gay best friend. In fact, the guy was coming real close to being unfollowed and unfriended. Full stop.

  I’d called him twelve times following the hookup with Luke, and he’d not even bothered to text me to ask what the hell I wanted. There was too much rejection going on in the span of three days, and it was hard to swallow after twenty-seven years of me being a fucking stud.

  Luke hadn’t just dismissed me from his house, he’d been sort of a dick about it. I wrote off that parting kiss because I was pretty sure I’d only gotten it due to being kissable in general. Not because he actually liked me. Not that he had reason to like me. We’d barely spoken or exchanged names. Then I’d raided his kitchen without permission, but my stomach had been growling like a beast and I’d sort of expected a round two.


  Was this how hookups went with two guys? I tried to think about how I’d treated females I’d hooked up with in the past, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead. I was almost positive I’d never kicked a girl out of my space the way Luke had done to me, but… had my goodbyes come off that way? The possibility alone had me feeling like an asshole.

  Monday morning at Hot Bagels was the busiest time of the week, and I spent it slicing meat, making breakfast sandwiches, and, between customers, jotting down names on a piece of receipt paper. When we finally slowed down around nine o’clock, my sister Adriana snatched it up.

  “Sinae, Krystal, Amburlee, Georgiana, Stephanie Z, Stephanie Q… Nicky, what the hell is this?”

  I glared at her over the counter. “A list. Give it back and go to school. You’re late.”

  “There’s no school today, numbnut.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “We get off for Jewish holidays. Duh.” Adriana’s eyes skimmed to the bottom of the list. She flipped it over, and one golden brow arched way up. “Please tell me these are not chicks you’ve slept with.”

  “It’s a start,” I said testily. “I can’t remember some of them.”

  “Holy shit, dude, that is an insane amount of women!” She was giving me the illest stank face I’d ever seen on someone outside of Garrett. “You’re so shady.”

  “How am I shady?”

  “I don’t know, but that’s over the top.” She dropped the list on the counter as if it had tainted her fingers. “Are you trying to get an accurate count on your number, or what?”

  “No.” I shoved the list in my pocket and went back to wiping down the equipment. “I’m trying to make sure I wasn’t a jerk to any of them after handling

  “Handling business.” Adriana’s face got stanker. She pulled her hoodie over her head as if it would shield her from my shadiness. It was a Fallen World Online hoodie, which just made me think of Luke. “How are we related? You must have had fifty girlfriends by the time you graduated from high school, and I’ve never dated anyone at all!”

  “Three things.” I finished wiping up the counter and turned to the grill. I switched my ball cap backwards. “First—not all of ’em were girlfriends, if you know what I’m saying.”

  “Ugh. Yeah. I know what you’re saying. And if your accent gets any thicker, you’re gonna start sounding like Pops.”

  “Whatever. Second—you’re not as naturally charming as me so there’s no way your dance card will ever be as full. Maybe if you stop flipping off any human being who comes close enough to look at your fucking Fall Out Boy T-shirt collection.”

  “Fall Out Boy is over, bro. I’ve moved on to Bring Me the Horizon.”

  “Shaddap.” Scraping bits of bacon to the side of the grill, I went on. “And three—I thought you were dating Micah. He’s always here looking for you.” There was a pause after that, and I glanced over my shoulder with a smirk. “Ah-ha! I knew it.”

  “You don’t know shit.” Adriana had murder in her eyes as she backed to the door. “And don’t say nothing to Dad!”

  “Yeah, like I want to say words to him about anything in general.”


  She was out of the store with a dramatic whirl of long blond hair. I finished wiping up and got back to my list. I knew I was missing quite a few names, but I focused on who I could actually remember. My gaze kept returning to Stephanie Q. Q for Quinones. She was the only one I couldn’t remember interacting with after our mind-blowing weekend a few summers ago.

  It’d been between deployments, and I’d accepted an invitation to a house party in Queens. A friend had thrown it, and I’d rocked up big and blond and white as hell to a party that was ninety-nine percent Puerto Rican. Which is when I’d realized it had been the evening of the Puerto Rican Day Parade. But no one had blinked, and Stephanie had swept me off my feet with nothing but a couple of teasing smiles and flirtatious disses. She’d also called me blanquito the entire time so I wasn’t convinced she’d known my name the first time we’d gotten it on either.